Blah Blah

Friday, December 22, 2006

Its almost end of the year. Another 10 days and this year will be replaced by another one. Not that it makes a great difference in lives. Or does it? well not really. New years or B'days or anniversaries are more like little breaks in busy lives. I remember I used to be so excited about my B'days while in school. I would start counting days six month before. Now it doesn't matter. May be I'm growing old.
Not being excited about these special days is good in a way, coz you won't be disappointed if you don't get gifts =) LOL

Nevertheless New year does give you an opportunity to retrospect and to plan resolutions for the year ahead, no matter if you keep them or not!

Last many days have been kind of out of focus. Too many things clouding the mind, too many days occupying the day… OK, more on this some other time.



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