Blah Blah

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


A Kannadiga guy, singing alongwith Punjabi songs. A Mallu gal, always on mobile, silently. A tamil guy with grey hair, always having something to say about things happening every moment.
And a gal who's just too happy that she's done all the things from her 'To Do' list. Just too happy handling the new responcibilities :-)

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Many things happening. Good and not so good. Well mostly good! Last year has been soo bad that I'm lil careful before feeling happy.
Anyway. I know this one's gonna be a jumbled up scribble. Its been so long since I blogged last time.
Santosh, the other team head resigned. Then I chucked Yes, I Chucked Atul. Same guy whom I was worried about a few bloggs back. He was a nussance for the team lately.
What else, The Carpool! Yes thats somethin interesting. No more do I have to wait or run for the bus each morning. It feels free now. Dependancies to are ties.
Well thats all for now, gotto go.