Blah Blah

Friday, March 30, 2007

in a long while i haven't written a good sentence,
nor have a taken a good picture
in a long while haven't drawn a sketch
nor has a beautiful thought touched my mind

The mind is trapped in the bondages that i must've created myself

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Alright. I get it now.
It wasn’t I-Ching that stopped speaking to me.
It was me who stopped listening to her.

Friday, March 23, 2007

My mind's been thinking so much
my mouth's been yapping so much
that I din't realize when I-Ching stopped talking to me

Friday, March 16, 2007


ec·sta·sy - Pronunciation Key - [ek-stuh-see]

1. rapturous delight.

2. an overpowering emotion or exaltation; a state of sudden, intense feeling.

3. the frenzy of poetic inspiration.

4. mental transport or rapture from the contemplation of divine things.

—Synonyms 2. delight, bliss, elation. Ecstasy, rapture, transport, exaltation share a sense of being taken or moved out of one's self or one's normal state, and entering a state of intensified or heightened feeling. Ecstasy suggests an intensification of emotion so powerful as to produce a trancelike dissociation from all but the single overpowering feeling: an ecstasy of rage, grief, love. Rapture shares the power of ecstasy but most often refers to an elevated sensation of bliss or delight, either carnal or spiritual: the rapture of first love.

Origin: F. Extase, L. Ecstasis, fr. Gr, fr. To put out of place, derange; = out + to set, stand. See Ex-, and Stand] [Also written extasy.

1. The state of being beside one's self or rapt out of one's self; a state in which the mind is elevated above the reach of ordinary impressions, as when under the influence of overpowering emotion; an extraordinary elevation of the spirit, as when the soul, unconscious of sensible objects, is supposed to contemplate heavenly mysteries. "Like a mad prophet in an ecstasy." (Dryden) "This is the very ecstasy of love." (Shak)


Thursday, March 15, 2007

We make sense once in a while
So I guess it’s OK to be nonsense all the other times


Every morning I wake up
I see life. Staring straight into my face.
So full I donno what to do with it
So empty I donno what to fill it with


Saturday, March 10, 2007

To walk alone is easy

Look down;
concentrate on your feet and the ground.
Raise a foot, put in front of the other. Then raise the other one and so on.
Alright, now when you are comfortable with it, just keep walking, look around, see? You can actually walk without looking at the ground :-)
Oh it gets better -
Now look up, up in the sky, and walk, still on ground.
If you keep practicing this and with faith,
One day you realise you can actually fly.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Oh, you know what, y'day I felt very strange... for a really long time. I donno what it was but I was so damn uneasy rather reckless in my mind that I couldn't read, yeah, I would’ve been able to write some incomprehensibly stupid things.

I started making jewellery and it was worse coz nothing seemed good, no combination of beads no two colours, nothing matched, everything was just so uneasy and uncomfortable in itself.
Well by midnight it was all fine and I actually made a nice gypsy string for neck.

May be it was the birth of the necklace makin me feel nervous.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I just found out today..

that I can drink my pink pink lipstick.


Monday, March 05, 2007

Mighty things

A few moments or things can change the course of life.

A letter never received or a train that's missed
A mail checked and replied
Or simple goodbye kiss.
Tiny little things have the power to change life,
So strong it’s almost unimaginable.
If they didn’t happen the way they did
This life would have been another story.

Some time we identify these moments and
Mostly they go unnoticed.

Such mighty moments with so much magic
And they are hidden so seamlessly in our lives as if it’s all normal


Friday, March 02, 2007


Alright some may find it stupid, but its an idea well thought of.

Why does one commit suicide? Coz they probably can't face the situation, don't want to be here and just want to end this life. I think the solution lies there. End this life... Then why not just finish this course of life here emotionally and start a new reality in this same life, may be somewhere far away.
I guess that’s what Paulo Coelho’s Zaheer did.

I increase the volume to the max.
I want it even louder...
All I want from my mind is to stop thinking and listen.

Cross Connection

A kid spoke to me and asked who I was. I asked him who he was.
He said 'Krishna'

Is Krishna really following me?


I wonder...

Oh I inhale through mouth alright
and smoke comes out of my eyes!
Oh my my!
How does it happen?
